These sticks were made for walkin’…
An accident put me in surgery, then rehab. From bed to wheelchair, to walker, to cane. And now I forget where I put my cane(s) and have to look for them. Progress! But the canes are the story here. First, the one that Freddie bought me; a wonderful item with a spring-loaded tip that serves as a probe (it depresses slightly, maybe a half-inch, and this helps me to control it somehow) and I recommend it highly. Its brand name is Upperstate. (link) It’s stout, light and quite ergonomic.
I call the other cane my dress cane—for times when I wear white tie and tails, or a cape and top hat against the infrequent Kansas morning fog. Or to the barber, or when I just want a cool, elegant item in hand to impress the septic tank guys when they come to snake the cleanout. Aahh, country living.
The Kevin Lee dress cane. Lower right: rabbit jumping through an ouroburos—etched by artist. Note details in other pix.