…to bring you my first podcast from 1949.
I got that box and microphone from a novelty catalog back in 1949. I was eleven and becoming proficient in building model airplanes, little cars with gas engines, and assemblages that I called time machines and smallizers. A smallizer, when perfected, would make adults tiny; then you could deal with them, but only those who needed it. The folks sitting around the armoire-sized radio didn’t need it as they were the kindest folks I’d ever met; my dad, my grandmother and my aunt Mickey. But they were, at the moment, unaware of a fine joke I was to play on them in a few minutes. “A riot of fun,” as the box promised. The box sides also proclaimed “At last, be the talk of your friends with your fun provoking, Home Broadcasting!” and “Great fun fooling your friends over your own radio!” These people were onto something; they probably invented Meta years later. Twitter. Riots of fun.
I had installed the mic per instruction sheet to the wires and tubes of the radio, somehow without electrocution or blown fuses, and concealed myself behind a sofa next to the radio. I keyed the “Vogue Sheridan Electro Corp Mike” and read from a typed sheet of paper (my first radio script; there would be many others over the ad years):